Do you use a Fitbit or a weight loss app?
These new fitness gadgets are revolutionizing the way we think of achieving our health goals. For the first time, we’re able to see our progress using these fitness tracking tools — which is encouraging when we don’t see instant results.
Special guest Sarah Wells elaborates on how fitness trackers are helping more and more people realize and achieve their long-term fitness goals, especially those of us who are getting older or live sedentary lifestyles. Sarah is a personal trainer and a Strength and Conditioning coach, as well as being talented in a variety of sports. She’s written for publications such as LiveStrong, Volleyball Magazine, Sport Strength Newsletter, and more.
“The healthiest thing is to view exercise as, ‘Hey, I’m getting older. I need to take a long-term view of how I’m aging.’ But that’s not going to happen overnight, of course.”
Measuring Your Health with Fitness Trackers
The fitness tracker is one of the greatest innovations in fitness technology in the past decade. Never before have we been able to quantify our physical activity with such ease and accuracy, and it’s making a huge difference.
Now, people who want to become more active can actually set personal goals on their fitness tracker and track their progress. They’re perfect for people who want to take steps toward living a more active lifestyle.
Setting Your Personal Long-Term Fitness Goals
“The healthiest thing is to view exercise as, ‘Hey, I’m getting older. I need to take a long-term view of how I’m aging,’” Sarah says. “But that’s not going to happen overnight, of course.”
Luckily, fitness trackers are able to quantify physical activity. It’s incredibly helpful to see how much progress you’re actually making, even if you don’t see the results in your physique.
To stay up to speed with what’s new in fitness, check out the SAPT website.
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