Your Go-To Guru In Beauty

My Journey
My name is David Pollock and since we’re going to be hanging out a bit, I thought you may want to know a little more about me.

I have spent the last twenty-five years building my name as an innovator and becoming the go-to guru in beauty. Over the course of my career, I created products that generated almost a billion dollars for some of the most prestigious names in the industry, including Bliss, Smashbox, Lancome, L’Oreal – SkinCeuticals, Brookstone, Shaklee, the Art of Shaving, Hydrox-C, Alpha Max, Ted Gibson, the Home Shopping Network, QVC and more.
Along the way, I have been featured in major magazines, newspapers, television, published a few books, been a keynote speaker around the world – from Singapore to Turkey, was named one of the “20 to Know” by Global Cosmetics Industry and even co-hosted my own national radio show. At one point, I found myself reaching over 17 million people on a regular basis with my message.

Raising the Bar
While I was busy building my career, I watched several friends and family members fight the battle with cancer. I realized how intricate health is in our lives, how many things affect it. I wanted to make a difference.
I did my research and discovered that in Europe, over 1,800 chemicals have been regulated or banned in beauty products, while in the U.S., the FDA has only banned 11. That’s just wrong. Something had to change.
That’s when it hit me. I decided to create a paradigm shift in the industry. So several years ago, I became a driving force behind the movement of safe beauty. I set out to educate women about the dangers hidden in their beauty products.
I started working with a number of different companies to introduce, not only natural, but safe cosmetic products. Some quickly jumped onto the bandwagon, while others tried to block my path – even made threats. But that wasn’t going to stop me.
But that wasn’t enough – I wanted to raise the bar and create skin care technology so advanced, it would change the way skin care products were made.
After hundreds of hours of research and collaboration, that’s just what I did. I’ve created groundbreaking skin care technologies that are highly sought after by some of the biggest beauty brands. That’s how life changing my work is. The end result is skin care that doesn’t just feel good – it delivers clinically proven results.
Our Journey Together