You might think that water is water, but you’d be wrong. The water that comes out of your tap can be full of contaminants that can wreak havoc on your skin.
Water is the most critical part of our diet. Our bodies are about 70% water. It is essential to keep our bodies well hydrated and, in return, our skin cells hydrated from the inside out. Typically, we lose about 2 – 2.5 liters of water every day through normal functions like sweating, breathing, and other things.
What type of water do you drink? That may seem like an odd question but the quality of the water you’re drinking matters a lot. You may be thinking you’re doing your body good by drinking all of your water, but evidence shows that tap water can have detrimental effects on the skin. It can even accelerate the signs of aging in the skin.
Just one glass of tap water can have over 300 contaminants. The FDA regulates what chemicals can’t be found, even in trace amounts. There are regulations on some of the chemicals found in our water supply, but many of them can be legally present at any level! That’s scary.
Tap water often contains:
- Heavy metals (such as lead, iron, copper, magnesium, and zinc)
- Salts and minerals, which can cause skin dryness
- Chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine, which are added by our own water treatment plants.

How Your Drinking Water Might Be Damaging Your Skin
Every time you take a drink, you’re exposing yourself to these contaminants. Every time you take a bath, shower, or even wash your face, you are exposing your skin to these contaminants. Your water is attacking you and your skin from the inside and outside.
Heavy metals can oxidize and create a chain reaction that generates free radicals. These free radicals attack and destroy collagen fibers. The loss of collagen results in the appearance of fine lines, crow’s feet, and deep wrinkles.
Acne and Enlarged Pores
Heavy metals convert the skin’s natural oils into a hard, waxy type of substance that clogs pores, leading to blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and enlarged pores.
Eczema, Redness, and Stress
Tap water contaminants can irritate the skin and worsen the symptoms of eczema. Chlorine, for instance, is often used to treat water, but it can also irritate skin and cause redness.
Drinking Water for Beautiful Skin
The rule is 8×8 – drink eight 8-oz glasses of water every day. You can drink a variety of beverages to achieve this result, but pure, clean water yields the best results.
So what’s a person to do? Drink bottled water? That’s a waste of money. And chances are, those bottles aren’t actually any cleaner than tap water anyway. The best solution is to install a water filter in your home. That way, you can drink clean water and avoid all those frustrating skin problems.
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