Safety of CBD
CBD is everywhere these days. We haven’t seen anything like the way CBD exploded into the health community in a long time, making its way into supplements, beauty products, and topical creams. The booming popularity begs the question: Is CBD safe? Can a substance irrefutably linked to cannabis be safe and even therapeutic?
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol or CBD is a naturally occurring compound in cannabis sativa. Although it can be extracted from both cannabis and hemp, it is usually extracted from hemp, which has only trace levels of THC.
It is no news that a lot of people are uncomfortable with the idea of CBD because of its close link with cannabis. THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the compound in cannabis which contains major psychoactive properties that induce mind-altering effects.
You can think of CBD as THC’s good twin. Although CBD has a small amount of THC, the amount is so miniscule that it is undetectable to the body. Even the World Health Organization acknowledges the benefits of CBD and that it is not psychoactive like THC.
Does CBD Have Any Health Benefits?
CBD is facing the issue that most health fads face: Everyone claims CBD is a cure-all. CBD is often seen by brands as a marketing ploy. I’ll be honest as someone who’s been in the industry for decades – no single ingredient can be that all-encompassing in its treatment. But that doesn’t mean that we haven’t gotten promising scientific research on CBD – we have.
There is a growing body of evidence that shows that CBD can indeed be used to treat illnesses such as seizures, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), schizophrenia, and anxiety. CBD also appears to lack all the negative side effects of regular pharmaceutical medications, like weight gain or loss of appetite.
CBD has been shown to alleviate symptoms related to:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Minor aches and pains
- Schizophrenia
- Epilepsy
- Chronic pain
- Insomnia
- Cancer treatment

Concerns About CBD
Despite the overwhelming evidence backing the therapeutic benefits of CBD, there are still concerns about its effect on the human body. After all, CBD products are not regulated by the FDA. With different CBD concentrations per product, varying extraction methods, and unregulated manufacturers, what guarantees do we have regarding CBD’s safety?
Remember how I said that brands love to use CBD to market their products? Many of these brands are creating new products that appear to have CBD, but actually don’t. With unregulated CBD products in the market, consumers are often unsure of what they are getting after making purchases.
It pays to do your research when it comes to new CBD products. Knowledge is truly power, and understanding CBD products before making a big purchase can help you make informed decisions that can help you save money in the long run.
Also, as CBD is still in its infancy, there is still limited research on the long-term implications or adverse reactions to using CBD. While CBD is generally considered to be safe and non-addictive, it’s vitally important that you look carefully at product labels. This will help give you peace of mind that the CBD product you’re using is free from contaminants.
When it Comes to CBD, Do Your Research
CBD has taken the health and wellness market by storm, so it’s important that you avoid the wave of misinformation by doing your own research before purchasing a CBD product.
CBD can be of immense benefit to users with a wide range of conditions, but in order to fully take advantage of its therapeutic effects, it is necessary to buy CBD products from reputable vendors with valid credentials solely.
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